Dear Church Girls!!!!!!!

Dear Church Girls, (To whom it may concern)
I want to appreciate you for your decent dressings, no loud makeups, no earrings, coming to church early , serving in the altars and all the good things you do in church...
But I must tell you that your character is killing, your stubbornness is too much, your anger is disastrous...
Some of you are bombs waiting to explode a day after you get married to the unlucky brother...
We know you make nice facebook posts, we know you are hungry for revival and wants to be used by God especially those of you who are in ministry, believe me we appreciate but some of you,your pride is higher than the one that sent Satan down from heaven...
From your speech we all know that the part where the Bible says wives submit to your husband is not in your Bible, it has changed to husbands submit to your wives...
Mind you, I'm not the type that puts a woman under a man's feet, try to understand my point
Have you ever wondered why after all the jobs you do in the church most brothers still go out and marry one sister with Mimi skirts and poster colour face?
It's simply because we all know that this good morning sir good morning sir you greet us bending down in church, is just pretence, we know you don't even greet the male neighbours in your compound and even your own elder brothers...
I have been opportune to speak with some of you and most times followed some of you on facebook, believe me there is nothing to keep a home in you, forget all this garagara...
You think God is partial when he gave brother Patrick whom you love another sister from another church who's not even in the choir? It's because brother Patrick like me has been asking the Lord for a wife and not a knife in a foil...
You don't expect God to give him someone like you who doesn't take words from anyone yet pretends to be humble...
Some of us are people's only son and child's and we want someone who can give us peace and not destroy our family when they come in...
Work on your character and stop blaming Satan, the young man is not even aware you are single...
Some of us are hundred percent ready and we have a little cash to start the journey of seeing your dad but we want evidence...
Love is not stupid my dear...
I hope you understand

Dear Church Girls!!!!!!! Dear Church Girls!!!!!!! Reviewed by Revolutionary on April 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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