*Husband* :- Darling, I am set for the 3-day seminar I told you will hold at Port Harcourt.
 *Wife* :- Ok , my love, safe journey
 *Husband* :- But Darling, who put this pack of condom in my travel bag?
 *Wife* :- Darling, I am sorry, I put it there when I realized that you are going to the east. I was told there are too many beautiful ladies over there and because of temptation, I put it there so that even if you are tempted, you will use condom.
 *Husband* :- Oh, you are a Darling, that is why I love you. Now I am set.
 *Wife* :- Bye.
Outside the gate, the wife calls, 'daddy Temmy, please wait a minutes'
 *Husband* :- What is it again?
The wife opens her husband's travel bag and took six out of the condoms and set to go back to the room.
 *Husband* :- What is it?
 *Wife* :- I am sorry, I just thought that the same temptation that may come your way may also come my way when you are away, so, I will also be protected. I took six to be used; two in the morning, afternoon and night.
 *Husband* :- se'oo siere, temptation? Se ko re o? Kaa kuulu fun temptation, aye temptation ko nii daa. Meji laaro, meji losan, meji lale, se o je paracetamol ni? Talo ni temptation ofo ti ko nii bao waye mii mo?
 *Wife* :- E see suuru(cuts in)
 *Husband* :- Shut up, o re o ni? Mi o tie lo si seminar kankan mo, nonsense.
 *Wife* :-  (gets to a corner and talks to herself) alagbere osi, mi o mo seminar ti alakori ni tele, olojukokoro, ole.
Happy Weekend.......
CHEI, GOD GO SAFE MEN O CHEI, GOD GO SAFE MEN O Reviewed by Revolutionary on April 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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