Pulse can authoritatively report that ‘The Johnsons’ actor, Olumide Oworu, Yoruba actor, Joseph Jaiyeoba, fast-rising actors, Emem Ufot, and Joshua Richard, were spotted at the audition venue. Pulse investigation revealed that the actors showed up at the Lagos audition venue, Edmark D’Podium events center on Friday, February 1, 2019. Olumide and Ufot were spotted making their way to the final round of the auditioning process at about 1:45 pm on Friday, February 1, 2018, after being spotted at different times on the long queue. Richard was and Jaiyeoba were spotted on the queue at a different time while some upcoming comedians were also spotted at the audition process.
4 Nollywood actors audition for Big Brother Naija 4
Reviewed by Revolutionary
February 05, 2019
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